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5 Alternative Easter Gifts for Children

Whether you’re focusing on the religious aspect or celebrating Easter as a secular holiday, you’ll know that kids love the excitement of receiving gifts and possibly even going on a hunt for the Easter Bunny. You’ll also know that Easter is typically an indulgent feast of chocolate, with the kids getting more Easter Eggs than they can comfortably eat in a week. Yet, they’ll still try!

What about those mums, dads, aunts and uncles, grandparents and family friends that want to encourage a healthier Easter? What can they buy that will excite the kids just as much, if not more? We’ve put together a handy list of five alternative Easter gifts that will cut down the calories and stop the sugar rush:

–          Colouring and Craft Supplies

For younger children in particular, craft supplies are a lovely alternative. They encourage creativity, and can offer a quality family bonding experience. Great ideas for Easter gifts include:

–          Velvet art posters

–          Chunky outdoor chalks

–          Colouring pencils and a pad of paper

–          Craft kits

–          Modelling clay

–          Jewellery

Easter presents a wonderful opportunity to buy children’s jewellery as an alternative to an Easter egg. A cute pair of earrings for a girl with her ear pierced, or a bracelet or necklace, could be just the ticket to a favourite Easter present.

–          A Day Out

Treat the kids to a day at a local attraction. Go to the zoo, an aquarium, a park or the beach, for example. Around Easter time the weather is getting warmer and drier, so with any luck you’ll be able to get some fresh air and have fun. If not, there are always indoor attractions to enjoy.

–          New Clothes

Children and pre-teens too old to really appreciate craft supplies might enjoy receiving new clothes for Easter. If you’ve got time to spare, combine this with a day out and take them to their favourite shopping centre to pick something out before lunch in the food court or restaurant.

–          An Easter Bunny

A stuffed bunny cuddly toy is a great gift for a younger child. In fact, any stuffed toy will be appreciated! Stores that allow you to build your own bear can turn the gift into more of an experience, but even a pre-wrapped bear will make a lovely, snuggly alternative to an overdose of sugar.

However you celebrate Easter, remember that alternative Easter gifts aren’t only for people that want to avoid giving chocolate. They also add some variety to the gifts that a child receives, giving them something a little different to enjoy whilst they take a break from their mountain of Easter eggs.