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Birthstone Guide for October – Opal

The richly coloured opal stone is the birthstone for October, and is arguably one of the most beautiful stones to be found in any item of jewellery. Typically featuring a varied array of green and blue shades, opal can also come in a rainbow of colours and is frequently described as the ‘kaleidoscope gem’.

Here, we explain a little more about the beautiful opal stone:

What does the opal stone symbolise?

You might consider the opal to be a ‘dream stone’. Look into an opal and you’re likely to see many different colours and shades that dance under the light. It’s no wonder that opal is thought to promote positive dreams and to enhance the imagination.

Opal is also said to promote hopefulness, and to banish bad thoughts.

What does an opal stone look like?

Interestingly, the opal stone is arguably one of the few stones that looks more vibrant and bright in its natural, uncut form. Whilst the professionals will tell you that the key to finding the best gemstones is to search for smooth stones without chips or inclusions, some of the most beautiful opal stones are those with a rougher cut. Technically they’re not worth as much, though this does mean that cheap opal jewellery can look far more attractive than some of the more expensive pieces. Rough cuts allow the various colours of opal to reflect from the stone.

Where can opal be found?

Opal stones were historically considered to be the most precious of all, said to fall from the skies during thunderstorms with lightning. The reality, however, is that they’re primarily found in Australia.

If you’re looking for your own opal jewellery than you might like our opal seahorse pendant or our opal heart-shaped pendant. Reflecting a variety of colours, no two opal stones are exactly the same which means that your chosen piece of jewellery is a completely unique purchase to keep to yourself or to give as a gift.